Tom Thumb Ultra Fun Run Report The weather forecast proved to be accurate during the run. Between 10-11AM those on the Tom Thumb trail were fully engulfed by the clouds rolling in providing sight of only a few hundred feet. Eleven individuals decided to tough it out so as to prepare themselves for such weather conditions for future runs. The run had limited marking which required course and map following. This was good training for those who have gotten used to following a ribbon rather than a map having the aid of Scottsdale, Phoenix and Fountain Hills as reference points. The course is a loop for the 25 miles and a loop with an extension for the 50K at 30.85 miles. There were 15 trail name adjustments for the 50K and 13 for the 25 miler. Some took alternative trails as they returned. Even though the weather did not cooperate we had a fun running day! Listed below are the mileage and times of the 50K and 25 milers who were on course and those who took varied returns. Some returns were short and some a little longer as they returned through the McDowell Regional Park. Boone Ebel, Jody Chase and Paul Bonnett were all at the aid station within a few minutes of each other. They were 19.5 from the start at this point and had completed 3800' of elevation change in 3:30-3:40 respectively. 50K Brian Soto 6:27 Jeff Jones 6:52 Hal Gensler 7:40 Special thanks for Hal coming out. He has already run around the world over two times! 25 Milers (Actually 26.2) Jody Chase 4:42 Jody's return thru the park made it 27.5 miles. Smiles for Jody! Paul Bonnett 4:43 I held Paul up near Tom Thumb for 3 minutes talking. Sorry Paul! Boone Ebel 5:08 at 29.3 miles. Boone was running strong all day! If he would have stayed on course he would have had lunch before everyone. Paul Rowdeal 5:37 Jeff Bott 6:04 Paul Norbeal 7:10 Paul covered over 28 miles. Because of being unfamiliar with the course two missed the aid station. They covered 28 miles of the 50Kcourse. Stephanie Buettner 6:48 Joseph Wiltz 9:15 This was Joe's first big trail run. Go Joe! We are going to do this run again on November 27, 2010. We will offer the 25 mile (It is actually a marathon distance), 50K and those who can meet a 6 hour cut off on the 25 mile course can continue on for another loop in the same direction running a 50 miler!!! Donovan