By Jen Laughlin | January 13, 2020 If you know me, you know that Coldwater Rumble is an extremely sentimental race. It was my first trail race, my first 50 mile, my twin sister’s first ultra, and my daughter’s first running race of any kind. But more than anything, it was the race that introduced me to the unique and incomparable trail running community, consequentially changing my running life in the best possible ways. Back in 2014 while approaching the milestone age of 40, I decided I wanted to do something “big”: I wanted to be an “endurance runner”. Yep, I laughed when I said it out loud too, but after a lifetime of playing …
Adventure Weekend in the San Juans
Painting a Picture The tents have been broken down, put away, and made the journey back to Phoenix in our box truck. The last of the course marking ribbons, signs and pin flags have all been collected. Sitting on the second floor balcony of the Coffee Bear, above where we had our packet pick-up two days in a row, I find myself searching for the right words to encapsulate this past weekend. How do you paint the picture of all the highs and lows? The sun, the snow, the rain, the triumphs and the days that didn’t quite play out as planned… for those of you who participated, I hope my memory of the weekend …
Glass Half Full
FROM THE DESK OF YOUR LOCAL TREE-HUGGING, CONSERVATION-LOVING, IMPACT-REDUCTION-ADVOCATE, & RACE DIRECTOR -scout I know, I get it, it can often feel like the marketing teams behind some of your favorite events are just working overtime to get you suckered into making another superfluous purchase to fill their pockets. For just $5 extra you can run in honor of your imaginary friend and we’ll write their name in the sky with invisible ink!! What a deal! It can be frustrating at times to feel like you’re being asked to pay more only to get less in return. So, what’s the deal with “Going Cupless?” Isn’t it just another money making gimmick? The fact of the …
The Golden Hour
“I’m an absolute nervous wreck. But she thinks she’s close to the pavement. She has to make it.” I’m sure this has been written about, potentially on a rotating basis considering the industry growth and amount of 100 mile races sprinkled across North America right now. That’s OK, I think everyone can and should get to experience what my team and I did this past weekend at the Coldwater Rumble 100 mile race. The final hour before the race officially ends, or as we so aptly call it, the Golden hour, is a 60 minute window where we see hours of determination and grit make its final push to the finish line in hopes of …
#WhoWeAre – Aravaipa Group Trail Run
Community. That’s the one word that comes above all others when I think about the Aravaipa Group Trail Run and what it means to me. Building a community around the trail running scene is what we set out to do when we formed the weekly one hour trail run in 2011. Back then, the group met up each week in Tempe at Papago Park and a handful of us went for a run followed by a couple of beers at Papago Brewery. It was small, close-knit and a fun way to catch up with our friends each week outside of races and long runs. Aravaipa Group Trail Run has grown over the years and changed …

CEO Recap from Jamil
Wow, it’s already November. The evenings are getting dark early and mornings here in Phoenix have started to become (almost) chilly. That means one thing for us here at Aravaipa: we are just wrapping up the Javelina Jundred . It’s hard to believe that this was my 9th year as Race Director of this amazing event which has grown into the 2nd largest 100 mile foot race in North America. I agreed to take over the race back in 2007 at the ripe age of 22, the same year I graduated college and was embarking on my first “real job” at a local accounting firm. Little would I know how much that small opportunity would come to …
Kendall Mountain Runs: Pre-Race Interview: Emelie Forsberg
Emelie Forsberg Melia: You are getting ready for the Kendall Mountain Run tomorrow, right? Will this be your first US Sky Running race? Emelie: I have been running the Run the Rut. M: Congratulations on…you won that one right? And then Transvulcania and Mount Marathon. E: Yeah last year. I’m still rehabbing from my ACL injury so this will be interesting because it is a downhill. I have been running uphill races but I’m super excited to try downhill too. I wont be able to push in the downhill. M: Is there anything that you are most excited about the race? E: I think it is the downhill. Like the uphill I know my knee …
2016 Partnership with SweetM Images
We are continually looking for ways to make our runner experience just that much better. One of our struggles last year was having a consistent photography experience for our participants. Whether from the time it took to edit or not having the proper equipment or simply not the right knowledge, our photos from each race would vary in quality and quantity. Aravaipa is proud to announce that we are partnering with SweetM Images for all our Arizona-based 2016 events! Deron and Melissa Ruse of SweetM Images are not only phenomenal photographers but are dedicated runners themselves. They understand the importance of capturing your race images and allowing you to preserve your race memories in vibrant …