desert solstice

2016 Desert Solstice Preview

Melia CouryPress Release, Race Preview

On Saturday, December 10th, Central High School’s track in Phoenix, Arizona will again be the stage for some record breaking runs. Aravaipa Running presents the 6th annual Desert Solstice Track Invitational. This year nearly 30 talented athletes will chase after national and world records. Many of the runners this year are vying for a spot on the coveted US National 24 Hour Team which requires minimum 140 miles for men and 125 miles for women within a 24 hour time span. Previous years have seen 41 national and 10 world records on this fast 400 meter red track. Some familiar faces to the track at Desert Solstice include: Courtney Dauwalter, 31 years old, is 6th on …

running at night

Javelina Jangover Night Run 2016 Race Preview

Melia CouryRace Preview

Javelina Jangover has always felt like the gateway race into our fall racing season. It sits on the edge of the scorching desert heat months and you definitely still want to be prepared for warm temperatures throughout the night. Javelina Jangover is held during a full moon and has changed dates each year to accommodate the lunar schedule. This race is held in the McDowell Mountain Regional Park. The trail for the 75K, 50K and 25K will be on the Pemberton Trail, same as the Javelina Jundred course. Jangover is our party in the desert before our even larger party in the desert, Javelina Jundred. Since it shares the Pemberton Trail loop it allows for …

2011 Javelina 12 Hour Preview

Jamil CouryRace Preview

As high temperatures dip into the nineties here in the Phoenix area, we are gearing up for the first race in Aravaipa’s fall race season.  Our first event this year takes place in the rolling, mellow valley of Sonoran desert in between the McDowell Mountains and the Verde River.  This area was first inhabited by nomadic hunters and later thousands of Hohokam Indians who made their home near the confluence of the Verde and Salt Rivers.  Presently, it is home to McDowell Mountain Regional Park and the over 50 miles of scenic trails that meander through hills and across numerous desert washes that drain the McDowell Mountains. The most well known trail in the park …